People of Fenrayne
Onza [ON-sa]
Onza are everywhere. They have been a part of society since society began and many will remind you of it.
Onza are fur-covered with feline features. Their coats range in color from black to white, peach, brown, red, and yellow. Some have stripes, others have spots, stories even tell of one family, somewhere in the west with no hair at all. Onza are quick on their feet and their strong tail assists in balancing. Swift with a cutlass and nimble, Onza are prized fighters.
The Þyrs (or Thyrs) are an interesting people. And I mean people. Plural. Þyrs are not one organism, but two beings intertwined by magic.
All young Þyrs, known as Àrd, go through a ceremony in their adolescence, which binds them with small intelligent bird known as a Þyrshrike. Through the ritual, the consciousnesses of the Àrd and their shrike are bound and their lives intertwined. From that day onward, the two together are Þyrs. A Þyrs cannot go on without their shrike and a shrike cannot live without their Þyrs. The ceremony is a celebration of life and the lives of both bird and Àrd are uplifted by their connection. The two beings help each other live their life and their bond can only be broken by Death.
Raccoon [RAC-coon]
Raccoons are… odd. You know what a raccoon is. But that’s raccoon with a lowercase r. In recent memory, there were no Raccoons with a capital R, but there are now.
Raccoons, the kind with the capital R, just showed up one day, walking and talking like you and I. They came looking for work in the city and were found friendly and capable. Their little hands can reach into tight spaces, they’re quick on their feet, and very clever. How they made the leap from raccoon to Raccoon, nobody is quite sure, but we do know they’re here to stay and we’re happy to have them.
Grenker [GREN-ker]
Grenker are a small people who live underground. They carve their homes from the stone and earth and fill them to the brim with books.
Grenker are small and lean with gangling bodies and large heads. If you spot a Grenker sitting in a local pub, their wide mouth will likely be turned up in a thoughtful smile as they read through their latest acquisition. Even in the dark of night, they are able to read by their own light. Grenker have a flexible fin that protrudes from the top of their head. Its end glows like a lantern, lighting their way and allowing them to move about underground unhindered by darkness.
Hütchen [HOOT-chen]
Hütchen are a wiley, agile, diminutive people. Hütchen are below average in height. Their bodies are covered with a mix of bare skin and small feathers and they have a pair of vestigial wings on their backs. It is said before time was recorded that Hütchen flew elaborate dances in the skies along with the Isyon. They flew around the world, seeking out the small places where others could not go. These days Hütchen just walk around on two feet like most other people. A large bill is often clicked when a Hütchen gets excited.
Hütchen can be found just about everywhere in Fenrayne. From bands of travelers, to cities and marketplaces, a Hütchen’s journey knows no bounds. They often seek out adventure and enjoy the change of scenery that goes along with trying new things. When two Hütchen meet on the road, it is a time of joy and you can usually spot them doing a complex dance around the fire.
Helbling [HEL-bling]
Helblings are small and friendly people with a penchant for performance. You can find them throughout the continent of Fenrayne. Their small stature and friendly demeanor sometimes hide a streak of mischief.
While at a passing glance, they appear to be humans of small stature, a long look will reveal some major differences. While their features look almost human, their slit noses are more reminiscent of a dog or cat. Their ensuing keen sense of smell is mostly used to find the best food in town. Below the neck, their body is covered in short fur and if you look behind them, you’ll spot a long tail with a little tuft at the end.
Deuren [DYU-ren]
Deuren. Plant or animal? The question has boggled Hyljan scholars for centuries. Almost deer-like in appearance, Deuren have woody antlers protruding from the top of their heads.
Deuren are a common sight in the eastern corners of Fenrayne wandering the forests and fields. More inclined to live a life in the wilderness, Deuren have long been the protectors of the woods. They patrol the roadways in attempts to keep them safe for travelers.
Dvergar [DVAIR-gar]
Dvergar hail from the trade hub known as Hearth. The creators of fine things, inventors, and traders that travel to the corners of the earth to sell their wares, many Dvergar can be found leading caravans to all of Fenrayne’s major cities and sailing trading ships in and out of every port.
Dvergar are shrewd creators. Their sensitive eyes make intricate work on light materials their specialty. They use clockwork and powerful lodestone crystals as a magical conduit, harvesting them from hidden mines deep within The Spine to power their machines.
Human [hyOO-mun]
Humans live all over the continent of Fenrayne. They tend toward cities and villages where community is paramount, but some prefer solitary lifestiles in the hills and forests.
Conara [coh-NAH-ra]
Conara hail from the Giants Plains where they used to live a nomadic lifestyle. They lived in large family groups where each individual worked equally for the good of the warren. Since Conara live to wander, these days you’ll find them in most towns and cities across the country selling their wares and singing their songs.
These rabbit-like people are covered in a coat of short hair that ranges from white to black and tan to brown. Some wear their long ears down, others tie them up while they’re working. They are herbivores and only kill when defending themselves and their families.
Wödr [WEU-der]
Wӧdr are small, fur-covered people known for their cunning and speed. Their long bodies and short limbs are balanced by a long, sturdy tail. Depending on where you are in the country, you might encounter two different types of Wӧdr.
Wӧdrelv [WEU-der-elv] live in the rivers near the city of Gilder. A common sight in the capital city’s canals, Wӧdrelv get by on trading and fishing, selling their crafts at the city markets, and building.
If you travel outside the cities, down to the south and to the sea, you may run into a Wӧdr of another sort. Wӧdrhav [WEU-der-have] are native to the waters of The Teeth, to the north of Volk. The Wӧdrhav build elaborate homes on the stone spires that jut from the surface of the ocean which give The Teeth their name. Wӧdrhav tend to be slightly larger and sturdier than their fresh water counterparts to help them swim the tides and ocean waves.
Kilpie [KIL-pee]
Kilpie are an water-dwelling people from the highland swamps. Though not amphibious, they spend the majority of their time lounging in the water. Their scaly skin stays moisturized by the swamp’s mud. The few Kilpie who leave home see those scales harden into armor-like plates unless constantly maintained.
Kilpies are known far and wide for one little fact. Well maybe it’s actually a really big fact. They’ve got an enormous mouth with a large sharp beak. People usually don’t have to worry about the beak, it’s the sound that comes out of a Kilpie’s mouth that’ll give you trouble.
Græntfolk [gr-EYE-NT-folk]
What do you want to know about Graentfolk? They’re big lizards. They walk on two sturdy hind legs and their arms are shorter and up to delicate tasks. A long tail helps with balance and they make excellent couriers. Before modern civilization, they roamed the plains out west in large herds. They’ve adapted to city life well but those with crests tend to knock them on doorframes whenever they exit a tavern after an exciting night.
Isyon [EES-ee-yon]
The Isyon are feathered beings native to all corners of Fenrayne.
The bird of prey-like Corvyon [COR-vee-yon] are the Isyons most recently integrated into society. They come from the high peaks and cliffs of The Western Spine, where they live in small hunting groups. While adapting to the greater society has been difficult, they have quickly found themselves in positions of power.
Cygneon [SIG-nee-yon] are most often found on or near bodies of water. Cygneon were the first to adapt to the now-popular waterborne towns that were created as the dead began to rise more frequently. Cygneon tend to be proud and trusted, making good leaders.
Plosyon [PLOH-see-yon] are the most widespread of the Isyon subgroups. Plosyon are known throughout Fenrayne for their beautiful songs and many find themselves singing in the courts of noble families. Though physically smaller than the other groups of Isyon, their charming songs are unparallelled, giving them a similar gravitas to their other feathered brethren.
Stonefolk [STONE folk]
Stonefolk are the people of the mountains. Slow moving and slow talking, the Stonefolk live their long lives in the service of others.
There are as many different types of Stonefolk as there are types of stone. Though many are friendly and outgoing, little is known of the home life of the Stonefolk. It is a great mystery to most of the people of Fenrayne how a new Stonefolk comes into being. There are no Stonefolk children, or if there are, they appear no different than the adults.
Hylja [HIL-ya]
Many Hylja spend their long lives in singular pursuit of an ideal. Some Hylja want to understand the stars and their movements, others obsess with the depths of the earth, the properties of the earth’s elements. Others pursue an unmatched proficiency in a skill such as alchemy or swordcraft.
Hylja tend to be tall and lean. They look very similar to humans but their skin has a bit more of a spongy texture. Some Hylja have scales on their skin, others have small spots or striations that run across their bodies. Behind their long ears, they hide a set of gills, used to release spores.
While found all throughout Fenrayne, the old Hyljan cities are where you’ll find them most often. The city of Highreach perches atop one of the highest mountains in the Western Spine. Surrounded by rocky cliffs, stony rises, and fungal spires, Highreach is the citadel of science and reason that many other cities aspire to be. The University of Highreach is one of the great learning places in Fenrayne that produces many of the higher ranking members of the Fellowship of the Seven Rivers.
Seakith [SEE-kith]
Seakith are born of the waves. They range in color from blues and greens to browns and tans. In far off ports, you’ll hear traders talk of Seakith from the distant corners of the earth with scales in all colors of the rainbow. Through eons of evolution, their bodies are adapted to live on land as much as water, but the ocean is a Seakith’s one true love.