Check out what our listeners have to say!


Phenomenal show

This podcast brings to life the hidden areas of the entire Star Wars universe, not just the epic tales that have been on the silver screen, but the everyday lives of residents of Coruscant. I like the idea of the solo campaigns and story arcs as well as the 2 or 3 person parties. Well done with the storytelling!

- Pvmnz

So I stumbled upon them a day or so ago and finally started listening to @coruscantnight! A great concept for a Star Wars RPG, and it is fun! AND they’re from Columbus, Ohio too? How rad is that? Check them out!

- Chris

Noir Star Wars?! Heck yeah!

This is an incredible story and the weaving of the plot is impressive. I love how each piece of the puzzle stands so well on its own. Wonderful people, by the way. Very active on Twitter & just excellent people all around!

- Cogito Ergo Huh

The GM doesn’t try to railroad the story to what he had planned. He let the player direct the story and the results are amazing. It shows such a high level of trust his players ability and his own. That is the level of GM skill I hop to attain one day.

Seriously, if you’re a fan of Star Wars and not listening to @coruscantnight, you’re missing out. The show is a beautiful paradox. Each arc is individualized and cohesive at the same time.

The players and the GM bring so much life to a small corner of our favorite far away galaxy from a long time. As excited as I am for The Mandalorian, I would much rather watch a TV series based on this podcast.

- Flight Risk Podcast

3/5 ⭐

- Anonymous

If you want creepy and mysterious Star Wars stories, @coruscantnight is the podcast for you. Conspiracies, murders, weird creatures, disillusioned clones, bounty hunter betrayal, and more! These stories help realize what Star Wars can be, and remind me of Dark Horse’s SW Tales.

- Ian

Maybe I'll listen to just one more...
Started yesterday hoping to get a feel for the show. I'm 6 episodes in and every time I finish one I decide to go ahead and listen to another one. Great cast, cool story, really enjoying this show a lot.

- PLytle